Warrington Lib Dem News
Victory over Six56

The decision by the Secretary of State to support the Planning Inspector’s recommendation and not allow the Six56 development is fantastic news that will be welcomed by most residents of South Warrington.
She agreed with the Planning Inspector that the development would not have been appropriate and would have caused substantial damage to the openness of the Green Belt. There would have been a significant adverse effect from 24 hour traffic movements, lighting and general site operations. Simply, there are no ‘Very Special Circumstances’ that are sufficient to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt.
The South Warrington Planning Group is cross party and has campaigned right from the start against this vast logistics site. It has been a tortuous journey but we are so pleased our efforts have paid off.
Cllr Mark Browne, Leader of the Liberal Democrat opposition on Warrington Borough Council, added: Borough and Parish colleagues from my party have been very active in the campaign. We feared a late decision by the Secretary of State to ignore the Local Plan Inspectors’ and the Six56 Inspector’s recommendations to keep the site in the Green Belt might happen but happily this has not taken place. This is great news.