Warrington Lib Dem News
Labour disappoint over Fuel Allowance vote

We were disappointed with Labour for voting against the motion to stop changes to the Winter Fuel Allowance. The motion jointly put forward by the Liberal Democrats and the Conservative Councillor was turned down at Full Council on 23rd September.
The debate got off to an unusual start because a Labour Cabinet member mentioned a Court of Appeal Ruling from 2009 over a potential conflict of interest for any member or their partner who might benefit from the allowance. This led to many ‘older’ members leaving the chamber and being unable to hear the debate or vote.
We know that the country’s public finances have been left in a terrible state by the Conservative government, but we think the Prime Minister has made a mistake on the decision to scrap the allowance. It has clearly upset many of his MPs, not to mention many of the public who voted for his party. There is little doubt that many Councillors were unhappy at being whipped to oppose the Motion.
For those on a limited income, the allowance is a pot of additional money that comes at the most difficult time of the year. It gives reassurance that a house can be warmed while still putting food on the table. The motion called on the Council to promote an awareness campaign to encourage people to claim Pension Credit if they are entitled to it. Nationally there are between 800,000 and a 1 million people who are not claiming the Credit. If the awareness campaign was a huge success, the irony is that it would wipe out the £1.5 million that the Chancellor is trying to save.
Many pensioners have no need for any additional support but there are several reforms that could be put in place so they do not benefit. The ones most hurt by the withdrawal are those just below the Pension Credit threshold. There may be ways that the Warrington Household Support Fund can be used to help mitigate the impact for many if the cut is not modified by the Government and this should be explored.
This Motion was not a way of getting at Labour. It was a way of giving support to the most vulnerable in our town and reflects similar ones passed by Labour-led Councils such as Stockton and North Hertfordshire.